Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Curly, curvy and positive: How I define body positivity

I don't think that me being body positive means I need to flip off a camera while I hold a slice of pizza. Hold on, let me go back a bit and explain myself.

As curvy, curly, tall woman of color I was always taught that I had to shrink who I was to make others comfortable. In kindergarten I was taught that my place would always be in the back row for group photos. I learned early in life that my shine would hide and dull others and that wasn't welcomed or allowed. You may not think it's not that deep, but it is. It took me years and lots of therapy to realize the self hate that created. I used to cover my mouth when I smiled because my smile is large and my laugh is loud. I used to straighten my hair, to limit the look of confusion, and the assumption that I was unruly as my curls. I would stay away from loud clothes, because prints were for thinner figures and quieter people. I seriously wore only solids most of which were black, blue and gray. I never realized I stayed dressed like the bruised confidence that I had.  

I used to think if I kept removing what made me, me than I would somehow be familiar enough to be loved by those that mocked and stared.

It never happen, instead I became the woman that also mocked and stared at myself.

That season didn't end until I hit my 30's

Today chose to share these photos with you because...
I'm was at my heaviest. My curls are flying. I'm flashing my lipedema and varicose veins without a care in the world. Adult braces couldn't stop smiling. I'm totally bad at accessorizing and out of habit wore my "best friends bracelet" (hi Jess!) Almost everything about these photos are things that should be celebrated because they are some of the unedited, unashamed makings of me.

Up until recently I really struggled to fight the depression that threatened the makings of me. I was simply not caring for myself even though I finally had that part figured out.

These photos are a still glimpse of my fight, I'M WINNING. I seriously enjoyed this photoshoot.

My take on body positivity is loving the makings of me so much, that I honor and take care of them. For me, body positivity isn't ripping down another size or shape or stuffing my face without a single consequence or care in the world. I truly believe self love promotes self care.

God didn't make any mistakes when he created this hair, skin tone, height, persoNatalie, smile, and loud voice that can easily command the attention of the room. 

And he surely didn't make a mistake when he created the one and only you!
You're incredible!

Your friend in faith and fitness, 

Comment below with how you define Body Positivity

Sunday, June 5, 2016

That's right, I'm in maternity clothes for the 4th time!

It's not what you think. Or is it?

Do you ever deal with your shirt rolling up on you? Have you ever had to miss out on feeling comfortable in a simple tank because your torso long? Well maybe you should try my new life hack. I am wearing maternity tanks. Yepp, that's right. I now purchase regular maternity tanks that have the length for a growing belly. Even though space for a baby isn't a need, it does solve my issue with having to wear shirts that are just TOO short.

The last time I wore maternity clothes while I wasn't pregnant I was embarrassed. I had to wear stretch, elastic, adjustable jeans because months after my second set of twins. I was still gaining weight and it was so hard to get started on losing it. Fortunately I found a way that works for me.

THIS TIME when I am shopping for my non pregnant self in the maternity section I feel a sense of peace. I am sure tanks will fit me better as my hips shrink, but that still doesn't change my height issue. I want to enjoy my current body by dressing it however I please. I refuse to pull on my shirt all day long, I want to feel comfortable NOW.

If you are tall, check out the maternity tanks as a simple option. Wear your tank as is or as a layer underneath one of the fave tanks or tees you already own.

Your coach & friend,

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Being Frustrated, And Getting Angry

I'm not going to sugar coat it. Yesterday I was exercising and I  became so angry.

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever felt angry while working out, while trying on clothes, or even looking at your reflection in the mirror? I can't tell you how many things I have tried on in attempt to pick my Easter outfit. I'm unsatisfied with everything because I am dissatisfied with me.

Most of us know how wonderful we feel after we workout and how being active is a mood elevator, and stress relief. So why was I so angry while exercising? I was angry because I already "DID THIS PART!!!", "I have already lost this weight", I already KNOW what it is to figure out the eating and excercise. I used to feel wonderful.
Yesterday I was pissed,  and although I know how I "fell out of shape", I am still not ok with it.

I know I was in a car accident, and I know how rough last year was for me. For the most part I am so tender, kind and forgiving with myself.  I do love me. I know better than to beat myself up, talk down to myself and feel like a failure. With all that said and done, I was still mad at where I am in my fitness journey.

Luckily I was the good mad, the motivated mad, the "this isn't over, I am not quitting, I can get out of this, I will be my strongest, I will fight, I will win, I will motivate, I will appreciate, I will defeat these feelings and THIS season will not pass without change" kind of mad.

Are you mad? Are you disappointed,? Are you frustrated? Are you tired of where you are in life right now? Are you just needing a change? Are you the kind of person that does something about those feelings or do you just complain about them? Do you accept a situation you are not pleased with or do you do something to change it? Are you motivated to change your life?

You are? Good because I  want to work with you.

Email me right away. Don't wait and think about it, be about. We're doing something about how we feel TODAY

Fighting my way back to fit. Join me? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Being a Black Beachbody Coach

Uh oh. She went there. I did, and that's because I have noticed that this is somewhat of a "secret topic".

Now many of you already know this already, but I am a "double minority".  I  am Black and Mexican. I married my high school sweetheart who is also a double minority as well, and in our last 16 years together we experienced being teen parents, being in debt, many payday loans, many overdrafts, food banks, free back pack lines,  having strangers adopt our family for Christmas, riding buses with our kids, not owning a car, WIC, food stamps, waiting for debt to be charged off of our credit reports, and so on.

We used to stand in line to be served, now we travel  the world to serve others. 

We have had many financial issues and at times have been the perfect example of a minority statistic. Are you with me? We have been insanely broke. We have also had moments where we had money and spent it on the most unwise choices EVER!

It wasn't till I was around 28 yrs old that I got off county aid. I am 1 of 10 children and was born into poverty. I didn't become financially independent and debt free till I became a Beachbody coach. Now don't go anywhere, trust me this isn't a ploy to sign you up as a coach. This is me sharing my story and some perspective.

Right now I am ranked 1, 009 out of a company of over 300, 000 coaches. INSANE right? Me,  a teen mom, and woman of color, doing well as a brand ambassador/ business owner.

To be 100% with you, when I see Beachbody as a whole, at a Beachbody event,  I see about the same amount of people of color as I do in my day to day life. But, when I go to an event for TOP coaches, or when I was recognized on stage at Coach Summit, I saw a drop in minority representation.

Receiving my first trophy EVER, I mean EVER and it was for the many people I helped in 24 consecutive months
Is it that people of color can't do well in this business? NO, I know many incredible minority coaches that are wildly successful. When I look at the top coaches I don't see color, well not at first. I look thru a lens of honesty and acknowledge that they busted their butt for their success. Their achievements and pay are a direct reflection of the amount of people they help. It is then that I am encouraged to help more people and that is what this post is about.

WHY isn't there more of a minority presence in the top ranks or in this business at all? I don't know but, I do have a theory and I would appreciate it if you would allow me to share it with you.

When I signed up to start my weight loss journey with Beachbody I was broke and NEEDED something. I had gained a large amount of weight from depression, and poor food choices. I felt like I was drowning. I didn't have the time to research what I was getting into. I believed in me, and knew how much effort I was going to put into this opportunity. I had no clue what Shakeology tasted like and didn't even think to ask. Shakeology is a super- food packed nutritional supplement that was part of my transformation and is still a part of my every day life.

When it was time to order I gave my coach my debit card info because,  I had no way to get online and I had her place my order for me. I was broke but, I had a serious need to change my life. I never asked McDonald's what was in the food I ate, so I wasn't going to give someone that represented health and fitness a hard time. Like I said before, there was this sense of urgency and I went with it.  I trusted my coach on some level and that was based off of her social media page. Other than a few words at an event a few months prior, I didn't know her at all. I also felt comfortable about the money back guarantee, I didn't have money to waste.

Let me tell you something, healthy tastes nasty when your body is full of garbage. It took me about 5 days before my body knew how to cope with my nutritional overhaul, I even got sick. Even so, I decided I would stick with the full 30 days, give my all, and worse case scenario us that money back guarantee. I didn't evaluate what was in Shakeology till months later and that's because someone asked me questions that I had no answers for.

Some may call me foolish but, I now see what a blessing that was. I didn't research the product before use, and when I became a coach I didn't research the company.

I had the most amazing experience with the materials I used and the coach I had.  I knew others could use the love and support I received. I wanted to pay that experience and blessing forward, so that's what I did. I didn't go to a Backstage Pass, a Coach Sneak Peek or watch any version of a business presentation. I like an idiot,  joined in because I believed in myself. I didn't plan to be successful, I just wanted to continue my journey and inspire others. I had no idea that, my efforts would go beyond spreading word of mouth and become a successful business.

Had I researched the company, I would have seen a lot of women with blonde hair and blue eyes. I may have made the assumption that because at that time I REALLY didn't see my skin color represented, that a person of color COULD NOT succeed in this company. I would have lost out BIG TIME.

I would still be in debt, using EBT, and signing up for junior college courses JUST to get ahead with a FASFA check. That's right, I ended up with a Criminal Justice degree because I signed up for school, just to receive financial aid. That was my life! I would still be in lines for school supply giveaways and thinking that I could never afford a get away.

In 2014 I made some new curl friends, aren't they just the cutest? 

EVERYONE in this business is successful based on how many people they help become physically and or financially fit. I'm not a top coach because I have NOT worked that hard to earn those ranks. I am getting there though,  so you will see me grow this business. When you see my business grow it will only be because of who I helped, not because of my skin color or a biased promotion.

I honestly think that my NEED and desire for change was so great that I didn't have time to second guess the opportunity. I feel incredibly blessed because I didn't allow time and lack of faith to stop me from getting ahead. 

If you are looking to be a part of ANY BUSINESS and choose not to because you don't feel your race is represented enough, then YOU are missing out on opportunity.

You're missing out on being served and serving others.

You are stopping your own blessings.

I could be wrong but, I think that some people look at the top ranks in this business, which are currently FEMALE dominated (GO LADIES!) and decide that because they don't see someone similar to them it's not worth it to TRY.

Men may shy away from this business because women are top coaches. Women of color may shy away from coaching because it's not dominated by women of color yet, and so on and so on. And this isn't JUST in Beachbody, this is in a lot of companies.

How unfortunate for people decide they will fail before they even try, my heart breaks for people with that kind of thinking.

To be 100% honest with you Beachbody as a whole has coaches from all backgrounds, walks of life, nationalities, ages (18 and up yes, older than 50). Every coach is at different level of fitness as well and I love that. As you can see I am not shredded or even to a goal I have set for myself. However, Beachbody is one of those beautiful companies that encourages you to grow as you go.

These are some of the awesome coaches on MY TEAM. I'm so proud of them.
This is my hope for you, if you have a pull on your heart to do something, DO IT! Odds are GOD put that pull on your heart,  and that obedience will uniquely answer your prayers.

Being different isn't a bad thing. I would never encourage you to look for ways to fit in, I will however encourage you to embrace the moments when you stand out.

Me with two of my Mentors. Angie on the left (my personal coach that helped me change my LIFE) and Christine Dwyer

I encourage you to stop judging a book by it's  cover  color.

Why not be the change you wish to see? 

If you feel like something is missing in a company, why not be the person that adds to it?

I am woman of color who is a successful business owner, and Beachbody coach. My gender, age, upbringing, and skin color doesn't have anything to do with that success as a Beachbody coach. My drive, heart to help others and hard work is what decides how successful I am and that's all there is to it.

-Natalie Davis / My Coach Natalie
Mother of five & CEO of Team Witness Fitness

For more information on what Beachbody coaches are, and how they serve, or information on joining my team.
Please email MyCoachNatalie@gmail.com

Monday, January 11, 2016


A college athlete
An athlete at all
Someone that played a sport before her 30's
Returning to a "hot pre-baby body" I once possessed
Without stretch marks ALL OVER my body
Someone with all of the answers
Someone full of excuses
Sitting at home "hanging out"
Someone with a lot of "FREE time"
Someone that doesn't know how to FREE up time for what's important
Someone with a business degree
Someone that came from "money"
Someone that didn't spend 28years of her life on welfare
Someone that made it through her teen years without becoming a mom
Able to afford organic everything for my family of 8
Going to forget my struggle
Ever going to judge your for your struggle
Going to talk down to you
Walk a way from an opportunity to help you
Stop pursuing my fitness goals
Going to stop inviting you to join me
Going to quit
Going to drop the ball on this amazing opportunity.

Thankfully I am, and you are so much more than a list of what we aren't. Thankfully there is hope and a large list of who you are and who you can be. This was a list of the things I am not, the things that set me apart from many fitness personalities and I am ok with that.


Are you someone looking to improve who you are? 

To work with me, you must be wiling to join a crazy awesome fit family, be teachable, a team player and willing to learn.

Email: MyCoachNatalie@gmail.com to get started

 I AM just a chick that decided she wasn't her circumstances and that her family was going to get the best she could possibly offer them

Sunday, December 6, 2015

"You look like you're running towards freedom..."

This was a friends honest opinion when she viewed my recent set of family photos. 

She was completely right

It's 8:42pm on a Saturday night and even though the day has been long and the kids are asleep I am still up working. Why? Well, I make my own hours and like to be "present" with my family, so on days that they aren't at school I stay up a bit later out because of my passion. I have a passion and desire to make my misery my ministry; and sometimes that means a few late nights.

You see this time four years ago we were homeless and living in a crappy extended stay hotel. We had just moved to WA and couldn't afford to buy a home, rent a home, or rent an apartment. Our area had tons of available rooms at wonderful average costing hotels but we could not afford them. When I would tell the hotel how many kids I had they would kindly tell me that we required two rooms. I couldn't afford the cost of one room, and here every hotel was telling me I needed TWO. Impossible! There wasn't any housing available on post so my family would stay on a wait list and in a hotel, where if we wanted clean towels and sheets, we were required us to exchange our dirty towels and sheets to a person that sat behind plexiglass. Sometimes we had to place dibs on the next load of clean linens out of the dryer, it could've been worse, but it wasn't awesome. 

My kids were going stir crazy, we were miserable and the heavy constant rain did not help. My spirit was broken, I was falling into a depression and felt helpless as I would very privately eat my emotions. If I ever created an amazing recipe for a cake that was totally bad for you I would call it "Emotions", but anyway back to my story. Prayers were going up and tears were falling down.

God answered my prayers. He didn't make an affordable home appear out of thin air or drop cash from the sky, no in God's creative fashion my prayers were answered via "man".

 It's so like God to do that, isn't it? 

Here's where Angie comes in. Angie was on a mission to help others in their weightless journey and God had us cross paths. I met this wonderful woman for not even two minutes as she rushed off to an engagement she was running late to. We had each others information and sent empty messages back and forth every other month or so. She was a complete stranger who I started to trust with every post she made on social media. She was confident, kind and had a passion that pulled me in. I was completely broke and trusted my last dime to her. That was a big deal, and my a big leap of faith that changed my life ENTIRELY

For what I didn't realize was only a $30 commission to her, she gave me a sounding board, accountability, help with my eating, a friend, a GROUP of new friends, and poured into me in away that allowed me to be SUCCESSFUL. 


I am becoming more physically and financially fit everyday. Shortly after starting my journey with Angie I started coaching others and giving them the support that got me to where I am today. God has blessed my heart to help, and has really grown my business
I have been a coach for four years now.
 It has been FOUR years since:
-I have qualified for WIC checks and had my groceries decided for me by a coupon
-I have had to apply for food stamps or even qualified to receive them
-I stood in line for free backpacks and school supplies
-I had my family adopted to receive gifts at Christmas
-Since I hid my grocery and fast food receipts deep in the trash because some food that I purchased I ate privately before even making it home.
-Since I felt alone in my battle against obesity
-Since I have asked a friend to crop my arm out of a photo 

If you have made it this far in my post my prayer for you is that you have the clarity to see when God answers your prayers as you cry out to him, in hopes of a healthier life. Sometimes he answers our prayers via opportunities. We have to be brave and trust his answer. 

So what does any of this have to do with that photo of me and my kids running barefoot?  Well we're in a season of celebrating freedom. This holiday season we are spending a week on an island! Can you believe that? The same family that couldn't afford a decent hotel is going on an adventure. That's right, we are making memories and enjoying God's masterpiece. We are celebrating the freedom God has given use to travel and eat what we want to eat, live where we want to live and spend lots of time together. We are celebrating our financial freedom and the clarity that even though we can now afford things, we don't need and rarely desire them. I am and will always celebrate the freedom of not feeling ashamed and hopeless anymore.

Four years ago, we had stopped our 9 year stint of being on the receiving end charity. I was born into food assistance programs and NEVER thought I would lead a life that didn't include them. 
This year, I and my oldest set of twins went from receiving school supplies for free to flying to Guatemala to pass them out (with God and our church family, we also did some other amazing things while we were there, things that I will post about another time.) 

I just want you to be brave now, and listen to answered prayers, receive the people and opportunities God is trying to gift you with.

Didn't he come so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly?

"God has a reason for not giving us the quick fix: He wants us to be conformed to His image and He uses trials to help us grow. Weight loss is one of those trials. It’s not fun, but God can do great things in our lives if we persevere and keep going to Him for help.” 
― Barb RavelingTaste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study

Thanks for reading, 
Natalie Fisher-Davis